Master's In Journalism And Mass Communication [MJMC]
International Institute of Mass Media (IIMM), Delhi's top Mass Communication institute, provides the holistic mass media course in the form of Master's degree in Journalism and Mass Communication. MJMC is a two-year programme that incorporates courses that focuses on Theories of Human Communication, Television Production, Reporting and Anchoring. The course has a complete balance of advanced language skills and Computer Application in Media. The programme also focuses on Writing skills and give an in-depth understanding of Current Affairs. This Master's in Mass Media provides foundation and basics courses in Production and Direction.
- ELIGIBILITY - Bachelor's Degree in any discipline from a Recognized University. Students appearing in their final year degree examination can also apply.
- Note - Additional examination fees of Rs. 2,500/- per semester payable at the time of filling the examination form.
- Note - Admission fees of Rs. 10,000/- one time only at the time of admission.
About the MJMC Course
A master's degree in the area of your interest opens up a plethora of opportunities in terms of knowledge. It is also a great way to expand your career. Mass communication is one such arena. The field concerns spreading news and information that inform and entertain people.
Why Choose IIMM Delhi
International Institute of Mass Media (IIMM Delhi) offers an MA in Mass Communication courses in Delhi that trains you to be:
- Technically sound
- Capable of maintaining and developing new skills in communication technology
- Adept at using facilities and opportunities to grow in the subject matter
- Analytical and observational of news-making events
A master in Journalism & mass communication program offers:
- Theories involved in spreading information to the public
- A complete range of expertise related to technical aspects of mass communication
- Honing the conceptual and artistic skills in aspiring candidates to make them into professionals.
The two-year program is designed to meet the increasing demand of media professionals in electronic and print media. The course aims at preparing and shaping media professionals who can take centre stage and help share information in a better and faster way.
After a master's in mass communication, there are job opportunities galore that await to absorb you. There is a diverse media-related career opportunity that you get after the course. You can choose to enter the entertainment industry as television producers, directors, filmmakers, camera persons, production designers, or join the print media as news reporters, anchors, teachers, scholars, etc.
- MJMC-101 Human Communication : Theories & Practices
- MJMC-102 Print Journalism : Theories & Practices
- MJMC-103 Writing for Media
- MJMC-104 Radio & TV Journalism
- MJMC-105 (P) Soft Skills Development
- MJMC-106 (P) Computer Graphics & Photography
- MJMC-201 Mass Communication : Theories & Practices
- MJMC-202 Basic Principles of Advertising, Public Relations and Marketing
- MJMC-203 Basics of Film & TV Production & Direction
- MJMC-204 Reporting, Editing & Anchoring
- MJMC-205 (P) Radio & TV News: Production & Presentation
- MJMC-206 (P) Documentary & Short Film Production
Code | Specialization I: Journalism |
Specialization II: Production and Direction |
Specialization III: Advertising and Public Relations |
MJMC-301 | News Concept & Organisation in Print (J) | Film and Media Studies (PD) | Principles & Practices of Advertising(ADPR) |
MJMC-302 | Broadcast Journalism (J) | Production & Direction (PD) | Principles & Practices of PR & Corporate communications(ADPR) |
MJMC-303 | Digital Media (J) | Fundamentals of Scriptwriting & Screenplay (PD) | Marketing & Integrated Market Communication(ADPR) |
MJMC-304 | Media Laws & Issues (J) | Film Production Management (PD) | Various Media for Advertising, Public Relations and Marketing(ADPR) |
MJMC-305 (P) | Newspaper Publication(J) | Cinematography and Sound (PD) | Visual Communication for Advertising (ADPR) |
MJMC-306 (P) | Broadcast Production (J) | Concepts & Techniques of Sound & Video editing (PD) | Professional Skills (ADPR) |
Code | Specialization I: Journalism |
Specialization II: Production and Direction |
Specialization III: Advertising and Public Relations |
MJMC-401 | Media Industry & Management(J) | Film Appreciation(PD) | Event Management & Promotions(ADPR) |
MJMC-402 | Professional Skills(J) | Professional Skills(PD) | Management & Business Communication(ADPR) |
MJMC-403 (P) | Research Techniques & Project Planning(J) | Research Techniques & Project Planning(PD) | Research Techniques Campaign & Project Planning(ADPR) |
MJMC-404 (P) | Internship(J) | Internship(PD) | Internship(ADPR) |
MJMC-405 (P) | Production portfolio(J) | Production Portfolio(PD) | Production Portfolio(ADPR) |
MJMC-406 (P) | Comprehensive Viva(J) | Comprehensive Viva(PD) | Comprehensive Viva(ADPR) |