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Apr 22,2023


Chat GPT ( Chat Generative Pre Trained Transformer) is an intelligent chatbot, developed by Open AI, that helps automate chat

Chat GPT ( Chat Generative Pre Trained Transformer) is an intelligent chatbot, developed by Open AI, that helps automate chat tasks. It was created in 2022 based on AI (Artificial Intelligence). The chatbot is trained to simulate artificial conversations very similar to human dialogue. The program has the ability to learn unknown things through reinforcement learning from human provided information and knowledge. Chat GPT can write poems, songs, short stories and articles in a particular writer’s style, e.g Shakespeare, Munshi Prem Chand.
The question that now arises is will Chat GPT impact jobs in content creation? The answer is a resounding YES!
As per the information available, US is already deploying Chat GPT in more than 55% instances for content creation and that is enough reason to give nightmares to content writers. Those professionals who are casual in their approach and do not research their content may find a good rival in Chat GPT. Also matter that is repetitive and data driven may be faster and better handled by chatbots rather than humans.

chat gpt and conent writing

However, there are reasons for chatbots being unable to fully replace people in jobs:
Factual and basic errors may creep in the AI generated content and would require human intervention for accuracy.
Humans are required to give prompts that are detailed, high quality and elaborate enough to generate trustworthy output from the chatbot.
A matter of concern is that ChatGPT generated content scored quite high for plagiarism and copyright infringement.
In its limitation section, Open AI, the parent company, has stated that ChatGPT may provide “plausible sounding but incorrect or nonsensical answers.” They also state that if the output required is less than 1,000 characters then the results may not be totally reliable.
The future war of Chat GPT v/s Humans in content creation will depend on two major factors:
Government policy. Chat GPT is totally banned in Italy, China and Russia and in many schools and colleges of India, France and US. However, as of now India does not have any law governing use of AI whereas the US is working on a proposed AI Act with reference to employment. The extent of regulation will decide the impact it will have on jobs for professionals involved in content creation.
User utilization. A chatbot is as useful as the human making use of it. An ideal combination would be to balance human creativity with data driven technology. It would result in creating articles of high literature value as well as readability. Chat GPT has the potential of becoming an excellent co worker.

It is expected that employers in the future would use ChatGPT as a productivity booster. They would use it as a tool to reduce the TAT(Turn Around Time ) for writers and help create a framework for the article to be written. The writers would then flesh in the details, using sound judgment and creative thinking. Hence the chatbot would be used as a tool rather than the finished content creator.

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